Original Post

14-5-2023 09:56

Originally posted by 7jai at 13-5-2023 08:15
Thanks so much for the recommendation list!

can i understand if they look like their posted pictures on telegram? or very different?

is this a new spa? or is this only available by appointment via t ...

Pics are mostly conceptual. I’d say my top 9 are at least 7/10 (in terms of looks). TG appointments are easy with the exception of NP, they might still require proof of visits (of 2 other places). See below for FS expectations, in my view:  

1) Elly - highly unlikely/ no
2) Hannah - highly unlikely/ no
3) Rose - highly unlikely/ no
4) Michelle/ 美雪 (Kissme) - highly unlikely/ no
5) Kayla (Kawaii) never
6) Kimmy yes, 2.5k
7) Ada yes, 2.5k now
8) Tina/ Olivia (Kissme) - highly unlikely/ no
9) Elsa yes, >3k but might be less now
10) Riley yes, 2.5k
11) Milly yes, 2.5k
12) Niuniu (Kissme) - she does, unsure of rate

The others:
Zero - yes, 2.5k
Leanne - not likely
Angie - yes 2.5k
Vicky - yes, 2.5k
Haley - yes, unsure about rate though

In these places, FS also depends on whether she likes the look of you…some girls have a lower bar than others

vinc9 14-5-2023 13:08 Karma +2 Nice! what kind of bods are we talking about? Slim, natural all rounded types? Age: 20s?
frankbrodie123 23-5-2023 05:20 Karma +4 For FS option, does one need to bring your own jacket?

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