Original Post

14-5-2023 08:50
Reply #1 derplol's post

Welcome to the site!

Start here:

Focus on section iv. You can only post in newbie reports until u collect 100 credits to start posting in other sections. Read, explore, try a punt and report back.

derplol 15-5-2023 15:03 Acceptance +1 Thank you!
jaswell123 29-5-2023 18:57 Acceptance +1 Thanks
studboy88 5-6-2023 05:24 Acceptance +1 Excellent
Robustos 6-6-2023 19:12 Acceptance +1
tre408lee 21-6-2023 06:35 Acceptance +1
ThePinkOne 7-7-2023 07:16 Acceptance +1
velacooks 18-7-2023 09:57 Acceptance +1
shallowhigh10 25-7-2023 06:57 Acceptance +1
Donjon1 26-7-2023 04:12 Acceptance +1
Woovoo 28-7-2023 09:17 Acceptance +1
e1337gamer 10-8-2023 10:33 Acceptance +1
cumvalve88 4-9-2023 02:43 Acceptance +1 Excellent
s5Km9RZKJZ1 14-10-2023 21:56 Acceptance +1
ihavenolife9999 6-12-2023 17:26 Acceptance +1
arachno73 31-12-2023 09:25 Acceptance +1
sentience 10-1-2024 11:15 Acceptance +1
AbkChaos 15-1-2024 17:14 Acceptance +1 Excellent
zzz05017aaa 17-1-2024 02:23 Acceptance +1
9dontknow8 23-1-2024 08:29 Acceptance +1
kamalrcy 24-1-2024 20:55 Acceptance +1
Throwaway9197 4-2-2024 17:16 Acceptance +1
wakeylakeyandy 19-2-2024 11:33 Acceptance +1
xtasyx1 22-2-2024 22:16 Acceptance +1 Favorable
dancemachine 12-3-2024 20:05 Acceptance +1 Excellent
Dianlaoren 26-4-2024 19:48 Acceptance +1
DSalvador 8-5-2024 21:31 Acceptance +1
Yuki_kiyohime 4-7-2024 16:17 Acceptance +1 i Have been reading alot of forum but my number is not going up, i prob read over 50+ post already
nosnos112 13-7-2024 08:36 Acceptance +1
erjohn69 20-7-2024 05:31 Acceptance +1
jayb30 25-10-2024 12:42 Acceptance +1

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