Original Post

13-5-2023 19:56
Reply #1 Goose.Mk2's post

Thanks for the share Goose.
Which corridor was this? I checked all room C’s in 3/F corridors but couldn’t find a WG that fits the description. Only room C that seemed vacant was the long corridor with mirror on one side.

Anyhow, not worth a full report but beware of poor quality LBs as always. I ended up walking  into one at 4/F 402B (2nd room).
She was wearing black lacey dress and looked pretty natural at first, but no doubt she was an LB after walking in. What was disappointing is that she showed no service, had lousy skills, rushed to get you out of the room etc. I didn’t bother finishing and just paid and left.

I didn’t have enough time to get a real girl afterwards, but 3\F grey corridor (nearest to the big stairs) rm 6 (2nd rm) looked nice, Thai GND kind.
In the corridor immediately next to that one, first door on the left had a nice petite and very shy Vietnamese girl. May try them at another time.

Goose.Mk2 13-5-2023 20:22 Karma +6 see reply
magictime12 16-5-2023 16:17 Karma +4 Sympathy K's
MCdude4 17-5-2023 21:49 Acceptance +1

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