Original Post

13-5-2023 03:27
Reply #1 Tedfreakinmosby's post

I am INTJ, which means Introverted, Intuitive, Thinking, Judgmental in the Myers-Briggs matrix, which itself is based on the four personality traits as defined by Jung.

Silicon Valley has an overabundance of INTJ personality types-- it is the typical engineer/architect type.

INTJs have difficulty relating to anyone (not just girls).

I found someone in college.  I think college is a good location for seeking a match.  You want someone who is (in addition to the usual) smart and ambitious.  Female students are smart and ambitious as well as usually single.  You know what your prospective date is into, just ask what her major is (a much less imposing question than what her job is).  Neither you nor your prospective date have a day job, so salary comparisons are out as a measure of worth.  Thanks to the war on men, male college students are in the minority, increasing the chances of matching.  Your prospective date is also looking for a match, unless she is gay or already has a boyfriend (but if she has a boyfriend, she still might be interested in trading up).

If you are not currently attending college full time, then audit a class in a field of study that you are interested in.  Or join meetup and pretend that the physical meetups are college classes (just without the institution).

I don't have any experience with dating apps but I would not totally discount them since sorting and matching is one of the things that computers are really good at.  I would say if one is single, try it, but at the same time, be economical about it, and develop a tough hide to help one survive the occasional rejection that will sneak past your (well developed) sixth sense for GPS holders.

Oh and also if you can get a dog and walk it often yourself in local parks.  Instant non-threatening convo maker with hott girls who are often looking for action.

[ Last edited by  mr_tux at 13-5-2023 03:31 ]

littlefinger 13-5-2023 09:05 Acceptance +4 Silicon Valley is also known to have the worst male to female ratio in the country. They call it Man Jose for a reason.
sexyloser 4-8-2023 12:12 Acceptance +2 Unfortunately the OKCupid experiment of data-driven matching has failed and Match-com acquired all apps.

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