Ten years ago or so I used to buy service from the same WG over and over; our sessions were truly memorable, we were getting along very well. We swapped numbers before she left the country she was practicing in. Fast-forward a few months (we relocated separately) we were living a cross-customs boat ride away from each other. She had had her breasts done (she always complained they were too large) and found an office job. But I enjoyed them less (though I never told her), and she was a bit needy which I found at times annoying. Having started to see someone nearer I used a little scene she made to quit. I have to confess it was a bit lame, but it made both of our lives easier. At least I like to think so. Some time later I bought service from a WG (in a HK walk-up) which happened to be her flatmate (we both recognised each other, and I thought it would kill any hope in case any was remaining: girls talk), how small the world is. In any case, I hope she did well because no matter what, she was a nice person. Now writing this I realize that I actually never dated a WG (since she quit before we were "officially" romantically involved). Thank you for reading me, Anonymous Priest. | |