Original Post

10-5-2023 22:53

This jkfoodftw is going rogue and taking months of work creating.sharing reviews and adding -20 (1 was -15) karma across a series of reviews destroying months of work sharing, without a direct ask and clarity of his role. This feels unacceptable.  I've reported to the supermod for now.
What you did was wrong and you know it.  Your opinions are interesting but there are hordes of shorter reviews.  Going through a series of mine all at onece without discussion and adding -20 karma is outrageous and you should not be in this role if you think this is ok.

To be clear here, I have been spending money and then willing to share here my experiences.  People clearly people found vlaue.
jkfoodftw decided that he would go through 5-6 reviews in a single night and mark each one -20, destroying over 100 ponts and my access.
No discussion or reach out, just one fell swoop destroying months in minutes.  

Rampage jr is not what we need here.  You need to fix this mistake please.  -20 is the equivalent of 4 reviews work and you did 5 times in one night instead of asking me clearly and indictaing  your role you have been allowed.  Outrageous and I'm sure the board owners never intended such abuse of abilities granted.  We don't need another rogue rampage moderator abusing abilities.
Or remove the reviews or do some negative karma, but -20 across 5 or more without an ask first is ridiculous and unfair for the money, time and willingness to share.  Each review now is only 5.

littlefinger 11-5-2023 00:43 Karma +2 This is the type of thought and description you need in ur reviews. Jkfoodftw will give back once u fix reports
snowinwinter 11-5-2023 02:33 Acceptance +1

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