Some more additions from an earlier post
I'm moving some previous experience sharings since we now have this sticky (courtesy of our new mod) so that all information is consolidated in one place and easier to find.
Re: how independent the ladies are-
I have actually met all 3 types: Ladies that are under an agency and state they are, Ladies that state they are independent but are under an agency and Ladies that are truly independent. I have had generally good experiences with truly independent ladies so far but unfortunately those covertly under an agency are becoming increasingly common. Generally the red flag for me is if the line ID begins with an @. Also, I am going to say that the independent ones are generally more popular (probably also why they don't need an agency) and will likely take a while to respond.
Re: multiple agents (or independents) in the same location-
I have learnt that Ratchada 17 is pretty much the biggest incall Red Light District equivalent of Bangkok and almost everyone in the area operates out of 3 hotels. If you see another dude loitering around the lobby or the entrance, you probably have something in common. I have been to rooms of independents with weeks worth of bottled water and towels. I'm quite sure the management knows... independent or not...
Re: Sheets-
Sorry to disappoint but I have never seen a lady change sheets after I am done and I tend to stay until the last minute that my clock runs out... So far i've always gotten clean, dry towels though.
Re: The next best alternative IMO -
Leaving the old ads aside (I honestly believe that the posters just forgot about the old posts), I still find that sidelinethailand might be the next most updated site and it does have a superior search function. I have actually found some ladies/agencies that do not operate out of fiwfans here, although fiwfans still is the largest, most comprehensive site. Just sort by last updated and ignore the later posts. The good news is that every post comes with a timestamp, so you can easily weed out the older ones. As my rule of thumb, I wouldn't get my hopes up for anything that is not updated within the last month.
Re: Digging deeper for photographs
I have found value in scouring the other freelancer websites to get more photographs since the posters sometimes post different ones on different sites; I have on occassion found different or unmasked photographs for ladies that have their faces censored / masked on fiwfans.
On the same topic I would also always recommend checking the agencies' telegram groups and adding their line accounts - especially for ones with masked photos on fiwfans - as they do sometimes provide different / unmasked photographs on these alternate platforms without having to ask for them (e.g. BMM comes to mind here). This will definitely help make a better and more informed decision. Life is too short for regrets my friends.
[ Last edited by johnptony at 12-4-2023 21:14 ] | |