Original Post

2-4-2023 00:18

Not a typo, definitely Gigi, as far as I know they have a tg account for booking and another channel for the girls available.  Gigi is one of the girls available today, which is what reminded to write this.

With regards to your other questions Jack, I usually feel out the girl and let them initiate the fk, it's all about the moment, and I don't necessarily fk every girl really depends if she is mcot... In terms of safety I'll leave that for you to decide, but if punting should get tested...

I would say with regards to touching start off small to feel what her limits are. If she's receptive then move to some hotter spots, and if you've gone too far most girls will politely let you know with either their body language or they will straight up just tell you...  Hope that helps

vinc9 2-4-2023 01:47 Acceptance +5 Absolutely agree with this!
jackchan79 2-4-2023 09:52 Karma +2 Ooh I see
Thedarklord 3-4-2023 14:48 Acceptance +1 Valuable suggestions. Agree with all of them.

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