Original Post

29-3-2023 03:36

[@davidlai1977] High heels. On the girl. Not you


Next question, once in position with the girl in high heels, is it possible / practical to walk (slowly and carefully) together in a forwards direction while maintaining the connection?  And if so how much danger is there from a high heel stepping on one of your feet (which are presumably bare, not in high heels or steel toed construction boots)(lol)?  (Please excuse the graphic imagery and my naive ignorance of these mechanical details.)

sexyloser 29-3-2023 04:16 Acceptance +4 I'd like to know too cuz my thighs are no good and need to engage my leg muscles for DS.
HK_Legend 29-3-2023 08:32 Acceptance +8 Geometry / cinematics class 101. Better go for drawings / cartoons in a GIF (EZGIF) to illustrate.
Susanlixxx 29-3-2023 21:12 Acceptance +4 Mr_tux is up to some major mischief. There better be a really naughty report at the end of this.

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