Original Post

27-12-2022 09:51

Being SO-free, I wandered around in Wanchai.

Yesterday monday (quiet day), a bit before 11pm, I went to Embassy by curiosity.
They have clearly nicely re-decorated "Escape" (obviously they don't like the name Escape ...which is the name of ex New Makati I think) but the layout is the same.
The kitchen became a VIP room (low ceiling so good luck to dance on tables)
and there is another one on the right end side too.
There are even poles in the main room for would-be pole dancers (they need to import Mongolian strippers!). DJ good.
All that is good.

There were 3 guys totally ignored by the 7-8 girls (Phil?) around who did not seem to care
(and I would not want one to come close to me anyway).
One was obviously just out of the gym and did not had time to change.
The dress code of the rest was quite far below from what I have seen there for ages at Escape.
So we are not there yet!

Then I speed-dialed a girl I knew, dashed and we met to Taboo, busier (but the band is damned loud )
15mn after, the girls from Embassy walked into Taboo ....so obviously, business wise Embassy did not seem promising
...but can they even recognize a client?

I will go, with an escort, to Embassy another day of the week and later to see if it is remotely close to what Escape was and there is more activity.

About girls and shisha (seems popular nowadays and read a comment about it here), here is my reading:
I think it is simply a way for girls to "look busy", have something visible on their table that attracts attention and kill time
...instead of drinking too much ...waiting for guys to show up and offer them a drink.
It's better than those playing with their iToys, heads down like ostriches, and not seeing what is happening around.
A simple solution solution to that is to call a waitress and get her to brink them/her tequila shots
They should prioritize that relative to shisha.

[ Last edited by  HK_Legend at 27-12-2022 10:46 ]

austin821 27-12-2022 10:07 Acceptance +5

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