Nice-place, TST - GInny
Date of the deed: November 12
Location: TST
Name: Ginny
Agent: Nice-Place
Nationality & Language: HK good English
Age: Late teens / early 20s
Face: 4/5
Body: 4/5
Skill: 3.5/5
Service: 4/5
GFE: 5/5
PSE: 1/5
Price & Session Length: 2500 for 60mins
Repeat: probably not
After trying Zero some time ago I was recommended 2 other girls by a fellow member on this board. Kimmy and Ginny.
Based on the concept photos and stats i preferred Kimmy, but unfortunately she does not want to meet foreigners, so Ginny it is.
Appointment before noon - always good to have the girl 'fresh' at the front end of their duty.
Cute little girl opens the door, confirmed it's her and in we go. Room straight down the hallway.
Her english is very decent, speaking with a higher pitch, girly voice. Might be a turn on for some.
She has several tats, go and explore how many you can find. Always a good topic to chat about.
Coffee, tea or me? You, please!
She's curious, 2nd foreigner she meets in her line of work. A little hesitant about size but she's a good sport. She beat Zero at the inofficial competiton for 'how much of the Gwailo's sword can you swallow'.Close but no cigar taking the whole thing. Man, I miss CC 'Demoiselle' Veronica.
Despite it was close to lunch time I skipped dining at the Y. Too much hair for my taste. Homer likes it bare down there.
On with the dom, in with the sausage.
She can take it all which surprises her although the last bit makes her uncomfortable. A little constarint but Homey is able to adapt.
Trivia - What connects Zero and Ginny? Both are cat lovers
Homer, out! | |