Original Post

14-11-2022 12:44
B&S: "Verified" Colombian Duo from MR

This will be a short one as the ad is a complete scam: https://massagerepublic.tk/femal ... rified-duo-hongkong

Date: 2022-11-13

Found this "verified" duo on MR, and the pictures were very enticing.
I quickly texted the telegram activated number on the ad, and one of the girls confirmed to me that they were indeed two sisters, from Bogota, and that they were providing lesbian shows, as well as anal on the menu.
Even sent me a video of them.

Confirmed a time and took a cab to that famous hotel that starts with a K in TST.

I went up the room at the given time. The two girls were absolutely not the same girls of the ad. They are older, bigger, and probably philipinas and not colombians, and to be frank, not attractive.
Complete Bait and Switch.

I scolded them and showed my exasperation. They replied something like "but honey we give you good service, it's ok" and "but we're doing this to protect ourselves", which is complete bullshit.

I left immediately, and I hope I wasted their time, since they wasted mine.

I'd like to finish off with a plea to other bros: PLEASE never accept (even reluctantly) a Bait and Switch. If the ad is a scam, if the girl is not the one from the ad, if the picts are way too photoshopped and you don't even recognize the girl, please leave. Staying encourages those practices. If enough of us are systematically refusing to stay, hopefully those girls will stop trying.

If I had an account on MR I'd also report the profile

Mandoggy 14-11-2022 14:44 Karma +3 Agree and glad you let your feelings be know!!
perriersons08 14-11-2022 15:53 Karma +10
wandering13213 14-11-2022 16:37 Karma +4 B&S are complete BS - sorry you had to go through this..
ramont 14-11-2022 16:56 Karma +5 Thanks for the warning
littleitalia 14-11-2022 20:18 Karma +4 Thanks. So sick of the B&S BS. They know it's hard to walk away when you've made the trip with pumping hormones, but g ...
HK_Legend 14-11-2022 22:13 Karma +6 Thanks for the warning!
myketin 14-11-2022 22:22 Acceptance +1 Good choice, better walk away and falling into another B&S
Caveat_emperor 15-11-2022 00:46 Karma +5 Thanks. I'd always heard that MR had good quality control/low tolerance for bullshit
lostmojo 15-11-2022 07:09 Karma +3
jeffrman777 15-11-2022 13:37 Acceptance +1 Yup, been talking to these 2 as well. They even photoshopped a "verification" when I asked them for it.
Loverofpoon 15-11-2022 18:05 Acceptance +1 Did the exact same. They tried hard to keep me in the room but no bueno
hktomcruise 16-11-2022 16:52 Karma +5 Thanks for the warning
Mister 19-12-2022 16:40 Karma +3 No honour in this biz
Googlesteve 2-1-2023 10:47 Acceptance +1 Thanks for the information. Will stay clear of that advert.
miketk 24-1-2023 20:34 Acceptance +4 B&S may be acceptable if what I see look hotter than profile photo.

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