Original Post

3-10-2022 10:55
Freelance prices

Hey fellow punters,

I didn't realise so many of you would actually be interested in a girl like Zyra, she just messaged me and told me some of you folks already messaged her. Her freelance prices are definitely lower than what I paid. Additionally she also mentioned she has a friend who can join in if any of you are so inclined.

Do drop a comment if any of you have tried her out or availed the extra services. Just leave her sometime to meet me again

hklegend 3-10-2022 11:19 Karma +4 Interesting experience. Can you share her contact. Thanks!
cyberfunk82 3-10-2022 11:40 Karma +4 Nice find mate! Pl pm the contact thanks
manhands 3-10-2022 12:32 Karma +4 Curious for her details
ILWMACW 3-10-2022 13:14 Karma +4 Thanks for sharing bro! Any chance for her contact?
davcha 3-10-2022 13:34 Karma +4 Could I get her contact details please. interested in 3P.
hotjac 3-10-2022 14:11 Karma +3 Great info thx for sharing ...
Ryanmadison528 3-10-2022 20:46 Acceptance +1 Thx for sending. I can share another Filipina similar if you share her contact with me pls?
chickentastic 3-10-2022 22:57 Karma +2 Nice pics and thanks for the report.
Zxcvbnm123 4-10-2022 12:28 Karma +2 Thanks could you pm me her contact?
burgundy25 5-10-2022 00:50 Karma +3 Interesting, possible to share contact?
bsun 7-10-2022 17:30 Karma +2 Thanks for sharing your experience. Do you mind sharing contact info? Thanks!
littleitalia 10-10-2022 17:53 Karma +2 Thanks bro. 6k is steep but she has an amazing look.
chobs18 11-10-2022 00:23 Karma +2 I am very interested! Please DM her contact info!
magictime12 15-5-2023 17:29 Karma +4 Please share contact

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