Original Post

26-7-2022 15:17

It has been about a year since I was in BJ so apologies if info is too old, but these were my longtime go-tos in the capital.  Also not sure what kind of places/services you are looking for specifically, but hope of use.

These are in the area of Line 10's Jiaomen Xi station.

Dingy BBS but always with young, fresh, good looking girls (mostly from Fujian) FS @ 400 kuai.  Ma Jia Bao Xi Road a couple minutes walk north of the bridge over the canal.

South side of the canal along Jiaomen Road, you can find a few "foot massage" places for HJ.

Mister 26-7-2022 16:01 Acceptance +3 Curious about your signature line: got them all except FH. Your happy hunting grounds?
zhude10 26-7-2022 21:58 Karma +3
kgb2005 27-7-2022 17:51 Karma +3 Thanks a lot for sharing
fbi5555 27-7-2022 18:00 Acceptance +1
Frankzz 2-12-2022 12:55 Acceptance +1 Thanks a lot. Will try

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