Original Post

20-7-2022 09:40
Final update on Jane

A couple of brothers were asking about Jane who was living with me for 5 months and almost daily sex action. Having pumped and sucked the same vag for 5 months, it was time to call it a day.  Besides, she has decided to make use of the BNO and try out life in the UK so she flew there last week. I will probably visit her for an extended holiday in October. So I’m free again.

aceinthehole 21-7-2022 11:41 Karma +6 Haha can you pass her UK contact?
adrenal 24-7-2022 00:31 Karma +7 Charmed life
wolfy187 24-7-2022 23:28 Karma +10 5 months aint bad as im sure it was well needed during this extended and repeated lockdowns
MalavernX 25-7-2022 22:39 Karma +2 Nice! Pretty sure she'll be back soon though, UK is a racist hell hole these days
dododo 30-7-2022 04:16 Karma +5 Glad if she is OK to share her uk info
Hebihebihebi 7-8-2023 04:25 Acceptance +1 Could you PM her UK contact, could use it ;)

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