Chatted with a young milf working at a massage joint in the States during a session. Very friendly, lots of chemistry. HJ During the massage, she'd mentioned she had a son, around 8 or something. One day that next week, I bought a star wars action figure and drove by the MP on my way home—not actually intending to have a session. I had texted her "hey I'm dropping off a little present." She met me in the lobby and I gave it to her and said "for your son, hope he likes Star Wars" or something like that. She was really touched and gave me a big hug. Kissed me on the cheek and said "so sweet, so sweet." Then pulled me back to a room and fucked the shit out of me for a solid 40 minutes. I tried to give her money but she just said "no, just pay time." So I paid the front lady some measly amount for a "30 minute massage." I saw her a few more times, and she was really loving and GFE and PSE the whole time.
One time, she asked if I wanted to get drinks after she got off. I said sure—then when I picked her up, she said "sorry, is it okay if they come too? Two other girls from the shop, similar age but not as cute as my fav, came along. At the time, I was a good 10-15 years younger than these gals. We got drinks and some food at a local chain restaurant, and THEY tried to pay for ME! Ultimately, stale mate and I was allowed to pay ONLY for my portion. Was really surreal to be at a chain restaurant just laughing it up with some WG as they blew off steam from an afternoon's conveyer belt of suburban dicks.
She wasn't there anymore the next time I visited town, and we later fell out of wechat touch. Hope she's doing well out there! | |