Original Post

4-6-2022 18:04

This phenomenon is, in my view, what distinguishes the Professionals from the amateurs, even though they are all “professionals”. There are some well-known names discussed in this forum which have, year in and year out, consistently delivered consistent high quality service both for their 1st time visitors and their repeat customers. We all know who these names are, as we see them again and again.

Conversely, there are some who will tend to start off strong but then fade over time. This may be due to lot of factors, as well as interpersonal chemistry. The person who previously gave you consistently good service could be having a bad day, mentally or physically. The true test is to see if the recently decreased service relative to prior visits continues or the quality returns back to its initial level. A good case in point is CoCo, (https://go141.com/en/B43838-CB-Massage-BOBO.html), a beautiful and lovely lady favorably reviewed many times on this form and well regarded here among many of our esteemed colleagues.

I know some of you will get your nose out of joint and flame me for this, it could be just she and me didn’t work on the second try.

Viz, I booked her in late October (sorry too busy to write a review at the time, and she had ample reviews, which prompted my visit) and told her in advance very clearly if the service was good she could become a regular and enjoy a two-hour booking every 2 weeks. She understood and delivered the goods; she was beautiful and lovely as everyone else has described,the visit was everything I expected and I told her I would be back for more visits, and she said that would be okay with her.

In December I followed up with the 2nd visit, and it wasn’t all there. Very half-assed and disinterested, I called it off after one hour (but of course paid her for 2 because that’s what I committed to do, and she blocked off that amount of time for me) and haven’t been back since. My sense from that visit is she was apprehensive about the next visitor scheduled after mine, or perhaps she was just not feeling well that day. I was tempted to go back for another visit, and be fair and give her the benefit of the doubt, but there were so many other opportunities popping up I have since been able to secure other regular providers delivering service consistent with my requirements and on a consistent basis.

Like everything else in this endeavor, it’s all about interpersonal relationships, and chemistry YMMV.  I have several employees I don't particularly like their personality and temperament, but they do excellent work and so I keep them around because replacing them with the difficult given their technical abilities. It's easy to overlook the interpersonal here because it's all about the work. With sex work, unfortunately, both are intimately linked and both have to work, personality and the skill set.

I also think it's a unique skill set these lovely ladies have to enthusiastically dish out mind blowing sex day in day out for a bunch of men who aren't their boyfriends or husbands. It's my view most women (there are exceptions) are hardwired to link sex with intimacy and emotional connection, and sex work goes against their nature.

Keep on mongering

[ Last edited by  gwailoplayer at 4-6-2022 18:13 ]

HK_Legend 4-6-2022 18:44 Karma +5 :) Mixing (HL) Coco & Phoenix BO BO :) I gave her a TIME OUT early Dec !!
JackTheBat 4-6-2022 19:09 Karma +10 Well thought-out and well written. I appreciate your clarity, sir.
bigchief27a 5-6-2022 00:00 Karma +2
anotherandrew 5-6-2022 07:11 Karma +2 I couldn't agree more. Thanks for your wise words!
ramont 5-6-2022 22:44 Karma +8 Good perspective
HKGPeter 6-6-2022 23:11 Karma +2 Good point.
energylung 4-7-2022 22:21 Karma +3

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