Original Post

21-4-2022 00:08

Certainly Bobo (or Donna so says her WhatsApp profile) looks to be the goods!  Delighted for Vrock who had a great session, well done!!!

I was interested in the very different response of russellrobinson, I was a little concerned about the shade that cast on the report but on reflection I can see how a girl may get spooked by a punter asking for more pictures and video chat. She wouldn't know you from Adam and may decide to withdraw.  Girls can certainly get weirded out especially if they have previous bad experiences, not all guys are as decent as the brothers here are I'm sure

Good punting wishes to all. Jesus, if I was in HK I would give Bobo/Donna a run just for shits and giggles.  I've certainly paid more for much less

Pic attached from her WhatsApp profile for posterity.

HK_Legend 22-4-2022 11:29 Karma +5 Very nice!
King_Monger 2-5-2022 12:14 Karma +3
batman108 17-5-2022 09:11 Karma +6 awesome and thanks
MalavernX 25-7-2022 22:46 Karma +2 Excellent, I was just wondering what she looked like.

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