Original Post

29-3-2022 08:48
Reply #2 Rickymonkey626's post

I have tried IBIS in Sheung Wan as well but since the fifth waive the price has been up by 100% or so
You also have to check in with an ID so just ask the girl to book and check in. The lifts are no longer going to the rooms directly instead you have to change lifts on the reception floor (5floor). If price is not through the roof IBIS is absolutely a bargain for a few hours fun!

Also tried Butterfly on Wellington same set up, can go to rooms directly with lift once checked in. There is now someone on the ground floor maybe checking ID or leave home safe app, not sure because haven’t tried for several months now.

Hoverbee 29-3-2022 11:20 Acceptance +4 Thanks for the info
HK_Legend 29-3-2022 12:55 Acceptance +5 Thanks
john.cvb 29-3-2022 21:43 Acceptance +2 Thanks for the info mate!
cknc31 18-10-2022 17:49 Acceptance +4 butterfly is a good reasonable price option. no checking downstairs

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