Original Post

12-2-2022 03:02

LOL Beat you to it buddy!! The amount of girls coming to my hotel room, I should get my own venue QR code, i even remind them to download the LeaveHomeSafe app.

Another tip: Negotiate a multi-visit package when meeting them off-site, or even in their liesure time. For example, you can lower the price but increase frequency. That works best for me. I have also always had a theory that i have experimented with. You always go in heavy. Meaning you have to be generous at the start, such as a bigger tip, or longer time package(because they know they can always skim time. I find they are much more grounded opposed to being cheap from the get go. You can never go in cheap, and have any good results. Their attitude is bad, they rush, and worst of all they will sometimes give off the “I am hot shit” attitude, which is ugly on anyone.

Another tip for the ladies: The main objective of any sex provider is not getting the money, or upselling to gain more profit. The main focus should always be to make the customer happy. This is attention to detail, clear and proactive communication, consistent pricing, no hidden costs. I only say this because I havev always believed that all happy customers pay. This is where it is unfair. I have valways jokingly said that for every restriction the girl has, money can be deducted. Because if the girl doesn‘t kiss, why is she charging the same as the slut that does it all? Us guys always fulfill our duty as a client. We pay even if we are not happy. So the best way to approach this  focusing oon the customers happiness.

my$0.02 Good night

HK_Legend 12-2-2022 11:01 Karma +4

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