Original Post

10-2-2022 15:42

The tags you mention are the agents branding decals. RX, SC, CC, GK, are all different agents operating in the city. Most are bait & switch, and common practice to have photos that don't match the real person. Lately the trend has also been to use real pics but augmented with beauty apps. Remember one girl was gorgeous in the pics and when I arrived, her eyes were super small and was really unattractive. But you can get gems from  time to time.

From what I have heard, all the various features you can have as an advertiser, like videos, flowers, kisses, and "verified" icons, are all able to be bought. The ones you see the most often most likely pay a premium for their ads. If you do your research you can start to put a mental map together of which agents are good, which have been around for a long time, and some are long time veteran agents that have changed names over the years. Quite interesting, but you need time to research. Search is your friend.

"My sisters" refers to the ladies working in that particular stable, or Agency, group, or for that specific operator. In other words, these girls are working together. Their pages are usually tagged bye their agents initials.

They expect to fool everyone and anyone. I feel bad for the person responsible for finding all these pictures of women online. Can't be easy, because you can't repeat pics, or double use pics, otherwise some bro will catch it and post a complaint. However some agents do get lazy and you will see the same girl posted in different parts off the city. which is funny, but also a dead giveaway on which agents are operating where and what not.

The whole picture topic has been going on since 80's, which is also the decade som of these photos were taken. LOL The whole privacy concern only applies to new customers. Once you have met them or dealt with ban agent, they should send you real pics or at least tell you in advance. I hate hearing the privacy excuse. Mainly because no one expects real face photos to be posted online. But if sent by WeChat, WhatsApp, telegram, etc. then it should be fine. Providers should know who their regulars are, and just be honest. that's how i see it.  

Yes understanding 141 age language is a skill in of itself. Here is a basic translation:

18 - might mean there are underage
19 - maybe 18 only, just started but working for a few months already
20 - Around this age, but has been working fo a year already
21~23 - Usually means in their mind 20's
24~28 - Typically this means the girl is in her late 20's, or early 30's but looks young enough to pull it off
28~32 - Means they are mid to late 30's
32~40 - Means they are well into their 40's
40+ - means in their 50's
50+ - means they are in their 60's
60+ - means you are looking on the wrong site if you want a grandma.

LOL this is partly a joke, and of course their are exceptions to the above. Just some humor. OK I did my best too provide some answers to your questions. Hope that helps.

BTW, Jasmine, BOBO, Sammi, are all providers that have been around for a long time, and are all well into their 40's. Totally cool if that is what you like, but is it the experienced service or convenience, a vicinity issue, or they all have dirt on you. LOL

just curious because this city has so much to offer....and I hope you are not limiting yourself. Oh and I am always open to answer any questions as long as  anyone is willing to listen.

Happy hunting bro!!

HK_Legend 11-2-2022 14:25 Karma +4 As promised. Many thanks.

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