Girls Offline / Online
OK, I am a bit slow and it took me 3 months to realize that
Obviously I have been too focused on Ëxecutive Summaries" to read in full the guidebook for dummies (where this my might be flagged).
Anyway the point is:
I have read many times "Any news from that girl?""Does anybody know her whereabouts""...etc ...and alike....and I faced the SAME challenges!
When you find a service provider that you like...a "Supply Chain"disruption is rather annoying
....but NOT KNOWING if "technical monthly issues"...or moved to another place...or back to China for a break even more annoying.
Last week, Hing Loong seemed to be decimated by the plague
...but no, all the recent occupants have now been accounted for (Jasmine taking a rest, obviously in touch with some close to her)
Just found THE (obvious) solution that was just in front of my nose.
Girls do change " office places" and / or "names" but ...generally do NOT change:
* Their WORK phone numbers (but can switch off) so better keep them,
* Their website ID!!!!! (So if you write it down and then Google it, you should find her....but there is an easier way)
On each girl's page there is "BOOKMARK" (top left)
on the top left of the website home page there is "My Favourites" !
So you just have to create an ID for the website, Bookmark your regular service providers and when you Login they appear in My Favourites.
If they are OFFLINE, their NAMES appear in "The following girl(s) were offline"
That might avoid headaches to some of us, me as a starter.
That said, I have not found yet a solution to shopping, directly, for "Flowers" not yet found any English explanations (and replies to e-mails were perfectly useless).
[ Last edited by HK_Legend at 13-12-2021 16:10 ] | |