What this site adds is ... nothing really.
How did you find this site? The method you used to discover the URL may shed some light on why this silly website exists.
If through a search engine, then maybe it's some SEO-savvy "digital nomad" trying to sucker in data. If you try to book, they'll keep the conversation going. You do not want this.
Otherwise, it may be a vague notion of generating revenue from nothing. This sounds absurd, but if you spend enough time here, you'll encounter a twisted notion of market supply/demand: if revenue slips, Thais are known to raise prices. The idea being that with fewer customers, each should pay more. It's absurd, but it does happen.
If a mamasan hears that farang are visiting her girls, she might concoct something like this. Stranger things have happened.
That said, I'm just speculating. The real supply/demand equation: nonsensical sites like this are unnecessary. Monger, report, repeat, say I.
JtB | |