Original Post

30-7-2021 01:35

Thanks for the update on Bangkok and Thailand. I do enjoy these reports and perspectives. Some stray thoughts...

- I wouldn't mind hearing about your alternative state quarantine experience. How was your hotel and room? How bored did you get? What did you do to keep yourself entertained? What food did you get and how was it?

- Where I live in Canada we were on lockdown for 10 months. How many *weeks* has Bangkok been on lockdown lol.

- *High five* fellow Pfizer vax! Being in Canada a lot of us got the mixed vaccine schedule. No issues here. For those reading this, if your country is offering mixed vaccines then go for it. Better to be fully (if mixed) vaccinated than even partially vaccinated.

- I still haven't received a refund from EVA Air from my cancelled 2020 Bangkok trip. I don't want your fucking travel credit. I think this is a lost cause and it's really soured me on EVA Air which before this had been my favourite airline.

ramont 30-7-2021 11:15 Acceptance +8 But not great news about Pfizers' diminishing effectiveness and need for a booster :(
JackTheBat 4-8-2021 21:39 Acceptance +10 Thanks, freelancer.

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