Original Post

27-7-2021 15:34

Thai friendly must be full of keen girls looking for $$$

@ obe: Yes, but it's more of a minefield than ever. In the last couple of days I've pinged a few to see what's up. Some are straightforward, and a couple straight-up asked for a donation. They're likely not organized scammers but women looking to parlay the current situation into small contribution or perhaps sexcam work. My policy is that I don't send cash or goods to anyone I haven't previously met, so that covers that!

Earlier you wrote:

Prayut said he himself will be personally responsible for the COVID19 pandemic.

Prayut heads the CCSA, there are other competing agencies. The result was a mishmash of conflicting statements.

His motive for consolidation may have been altruistic, or maybe a left-handed power-grab move. No one knows for sure.

He has been keeping a low profile recently as you might imagine. We'll see what happens...


obe 27-7-2021 15:53 Acceptance +10 Anutin won't forget being publicly humiliated

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