31-3-2021 15:12 |
Coincidence ? bad luck? Or real risk?
In 2019 I banged a 141 wg covered except when I came down her throat for a facefuck finish.
2 weeks later I'm on.a course of strong antibiotics after pissing blood.
End 2019 banged a different one covered but yhen had a facefuck finish with CIM.
A week later my ball swells to a tennis ball size and I literally need it drained.
Same early 2020 before masks went on. Pissing blood.
Last week 0 covid cases went out to play usual cum down her throat finish
All different WG. I am on.a course of anti biotics yet again.
Correlation ? Coincidence? Or just unlucky? | |
C090409920 |
31-3-2021 15:41 |
Acceptance +5 |
Sounds very unlucky, maybe stop the facefuck CIM finish for a while. |
ramont |
31-3-2021 15:42 |
Acceptance +1 |
I hope you're not spreading things to others |
bugnug |
31-3-2021 20:26 |
Acceptance +1 |
This could be another pre-existing condition or an STD that you got a long time ago, right? |
obe |
2-4-2021 13:08 |
Acceptance +10 |
Sounds nasty. Maybe stop the CIM |
trust_00 |
3-4-2021 23:11 |
Acceptance +1 |
Ever get tested? |
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