Original Post

24-3-2021 16:00

I tried these bars the first time - Sunflower. Well, it was a bit overwhelming: I chose two ladies to sit with me (Emma and... a really cute one whose name i forgot...) and invited them for several rounds of drinks.
Quite nice, holding hands and little bit of teasing from their side. The barkeeper and some other girl were quite distracting though by trying to push me for more drinks and delegating my attention away from what was happening.

In the end, we ended in the backroom.

Total spent was around 1000 RMB.

Was an interesting experience, but i prefer a good massage - cheaper and more satisfying ;-)

P.S. Went to Engima afterwards for some live music and talked with the employees there. The business is suffering and if they cannot get more visitors, might not survive.
Strongly recommend to support it by taking your friends and taking some drinks there ;-)

[ Last edited by  watumb at 24-3-2021 16:03 ]

austin821 25-3-2021 19:27 Karma +5
Fkim 10-5-2021 22:14 Karma +2

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