Original Post

19-3-2021 11:38

I’m sure she’s still available to those willing to fork over the $$$, it’s just that like most “mainstream” Instagram girls, she doesn’t openly advertise it. That said, though she’s surely well out of what most of us would consider an acceptable price range now, it is kind of hilarious to see thousands of social media dudes lusting over her see-through pics etc and paying for her onlyfans pics (without face, no less) when a couple of years ago half the guys on this forum were ramming balls deep down her throat in every position imaginable for just a few bucks more

flappo84 19-3-2021 18:45 Acceptance +5 Haha, well put!
Johnnyr555 19-3-2021 21:47 Acceptance +8 Haha was thinking the same. Saw her in Japan about a year ago but now no answer on Wechat anymore.
zhude10 20-3-2021 00:19 Acceptance +3 Replied before I saw this - spot on. Absolutely on point. She sucked my soul out of me - $X on only fans - alreAdy in th ...
BBHK17 30-9-2021 20:37 Acceptance +5 Can you send me the IG please? Left some K's!

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