Original Post

16-2-2021 15:45
Bee from Massage Rep

Thread Subject: Bee
Date & Time of Session:  Mid January
Location:  https://massagerepublic.com/fema ... lude_all%5D%5B%5D=4
Name:  Bee
Nationality & Language: Thai
Age: 30
Face:  2/5 (much nerdier than her MR photos where she looks mature/glamour)
Body: 2/5 (got really turned off)
Skill: 2/5
Service: 2/5
GFE: 3/5 (Very friendly attitude and chatty)
PSE: 2/5 (Passive mode)
Price & Session Length:  2000 for 60 min
Repeat: No

Was looking for something new in Jan and found some recommendations for anal on this forum.
One of them was Bee with a link to her MR page and some great photos… I checked past reviews on this site and several punters confirming this is her + great body… Looks good to me.

I added Bee on Telegram (you can get her number on MR)… and got intrigued by the profile photos… very very nerdy… you have to scroll through 4 or 5 similar photos to find one from MR… I thought this might be a cover… Anyway, we agreed on time and service (she confirmed anal in on the menu + 2 shots).

First contact confirmed she looks just like her TG photos, nothing like the MR ones… The place is small but clean (although lots of pics of her mother all around)… she has a poster of one of the MR photos…  Quick chat (she’s really nice) and shower (on my own)… After shower we chat a bit more on the bed... she tells me it’s really important for her to share the pleasure…something I really agree with, there is nothing more turning off than having sex with someone who is not enjoying it with me. I start exploring her body but not much to wow about… nmcot, especially her LS which is really nmcot (probably the size).
Service was a few min of catbath with her head sliding under LB (best part), not much BJ or fun… she then asks me if I want to fuck her… not much to write about, 1st round was finished.

A bit more chat and I ask if anal is possible… she tells me sure and lies on the bed, apply some lube and then invites me in. I slide in, and slowly starts … but not much interaction, she is passive on her bed… the pace increases a bit but after a few minutes, I feel on my own... really disappointed as she was all about sharing the fun. We change dom and switch to mish, but not much fun again… after a few min, LB had it and I’m completely turned off…

We stop there and I am happy to leave.
Unfortunately, the Bee effect didn’t work for me especially disappointed at this price (although there is anal).

I don’t like complaining much about this, but this is was one of my several bad experiences in the last few month.
If anyone has a good recommendation to break this bad series, please PM me

Zbf246 16-2-2021 16:13 Karma +4
hotjac 16-2-2021 16:49 Karma +4 Bummer! She has had such good reports in the past - has COVID overworked her?
boscitc 16-2-2021 17:11 Karma +5 That sucks
OscarPistorius 16-2-2021 18:51 Karma +5 Sympathy Ks
cityguy 16-2-2021 22:09 Karma +5 I've been with Bee a few times, always great. YMMV I guess...
ramont 16-2-2021 22:41 Karma +5 Is the 2/5 for body based on her LS or otherwise? Photos show a nice body.
momozzz 17-2-2021 07:09 Karma +2 good one
anabikumi 17-2-2021 14:36 Karma +2
shyrocket 18-2-2021 00:58 Karma +3 I had a good time with Bee. Maybe she had an off day?
austin821 18-2-2021 06:08 Karma +4
MrButtons 18-2-2021 10:15 Karma +5
priaposado 18-2-2021 12:37 Acceptance +1 Very expensive thou...
JackTheBat 20-2-2021 17:28 Karma +10 Sorry you had a bad experience...
bohica 21-2-2021 22:57 Karma +8 UnBEElievable!!!
Petay_1283 22-2-2021 14:35 Karma +10
Jack_Sparrow 9-3-2021 12:10 Karma +5 thanks i was considering her
HKhgacc01 18-4-2021 23:09 Acceptance +1

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