Original Post

20-1-2021 16:15

Thanks for the warning, and well done, in a city with as much on offer as HK, even during Covid, bros really should not reward this kind of duplicity (and you didn't). If the place they send you to is not the place that was advertised then the alarm bells really should ring. Simply walk. I even advise this if the girl is a B&S, just stop rewarding it. Give Kama/Mia, Wish (if you don't mind the fake photos), Bali, or any of the genuine spas a text and get some assured service. Or do a 141 walk up, at least it's easy to walk away if what you are looking for is not on offer.

These operators will continue to dupe bros if bros allow it. Think with the big head guys!

Kudos to you my man!

Stay safe.

[ Last edited by  cityguy at 20-1-2021 16:28 ]

BBHK17 21-1-2021 00:21 Karma +3 Amen to that brother.
pazzaw 21-1-2021 05:54 Acceptance +1 Agreed!!

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