Original Post

8-1-2021 14:15

Manhatten is a great place, I do visit 2-3 each year for the last 8-9 years or so.
However this year, with the pandemic, most of the girls are Chinese now, as the Vietnam / Cambodia /Thai girls can't come back at the moment.
The Chinese girl almost all of them have had plastic surgery, issue it looks like it's done by the same doctor ... and not a real professional one ;)

It looks like an out of space alien play garden ;), but still, it is so much fun there, just have a look for a girl with less plastic fillers

Have fun!


Rlim09999 8-1-2021 18:13 Karma +4 HAHA
bmberman 8-1-2021 18:38 Karma +4 ouchhhh that burn lolololol

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