Original Post

6-12-2020 12:50
Reply #1 shyrocket's post

I'm in contact and, I guess, friends with a few. Helped one in particular her back to indonesia and supported her emotionally when her grandma died recently.  But when we meet it's definitely sexual. I'm younger but not as good a specimen as you based on your description. Just clearer in my own mind what I look for from relationships, paid or otherwise.

Ive also met a PTGF who, while we've never actually met F2F is becoming my online submissive. I've never gifted her at all. She's very obedient but the conversation does swing between menial daily affairs and her experimenting with her sexuality (along with video and photos for her master).

Sounds like you need to have 'the talk' with her and come to peace in your own mind with what you want from the relationship.

[ Last edited by  HelloLadies at 6-12-2020 12:51 ]

shyrocket 6-12-2020 13:09 Acceptance +2 Thanks for the reply. You're right about "peace of mind" and the talk. Stay tuned.
jeffzeke 7-12-2020 13:36 Acceptance +10 thanks
m221234 27-5-2021 21:05 Acceptance +1 How did you manage to convince the ptgf to become your submissive?

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