Reply to alphonzehk
Yes. The $1k paid was a financial favour to Lin, the Manager. Once or twice a normal year,
Lin will have a non-Issan girl who is fun, reasonably skilled or better and very willing to be
"your Thailand guide" on your next visit. Jane, mentioned in the original write-up, gave me
an incredible subsequent Thailand tour. Sometimes, Jane found a second girl she thought
I would fancy for either a group or solo session. After that tour, Jane "vanished" without
explanation and without any subsequent contact. I suspect her unmentioned husband may
have been the cause. In summary, it was not the $1,000 but the access to future tour guides
and their in-country contacts that squashed any protest from me. To find another Jane . . .
oh god . . . whip me with a wet noodle . . . beat me with a feather . . . make me whistle
Rule Britannia underwater!
Whilst the "No Joy" resulted in temporary "blue balls", this was resolved elsewhere that
afternoon. As mentioned, always have a subsequent booking elsewhere "just in case."
Happy mongering! | |