Original Post

29-10-2020 13:08
Quiet Times Nana & Cowboy

Did a trawl through the go-gos of Nana and Cowboy last night. Quite a few were shuttered and the ones I did go into Spankys, Lollipop and Billboard (Nana) and Kozy, Crazy House (Cowboy) were short of (attractive) staff. I was the only customer in many, although there were 4 other chaps in Crazy house. Upper floors closed obviously. My mongering friends advise that many of the ladies have returned to home province as the cost of living, transport to and from work plus lack of customers makes Bangkok unviable at the moment. Will try Patpong next week and report. For all you guys stuck overseas you aren’t missing much, the pickings are slim and quiet desperation is in the air rather than the scent of fresh pussy!

bigboy4791 29-10-2020 14:31 Karma +4
marco81 29-10-2020 15:20 Karma +4 thanks
austin821 30-10-2020 04:23 Karma +3 Cheers bro, There must be plenty of freelance activity online.
SalesGuy555 30-10-2020 07:41 Karma +2 Thanks!
anabikumi 30-10-2020 13:30 Karma +2 Thanks for the update!
TravisTang 31-10-2020 22:05 Acceptance +1 Thanks for the update. Can't wait to get back to BBK.
lefeu 3-11-2020 12:38 Karma +5 Thanks
susman 8-11-2020 09:54 Acceptance +1
etpeters1 18-8-2021 23:18 Acceptance +1 Excellent

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