Original Post

9-10-2020 16:18

Originally posted by Ecthelio007 at 9-10-2020 00:25
Redbull and blue pill.

Also, most important, work out. Stamina is the most important aspect of performance.
Work your abs, glutes, and calf muscles. With the right set of muscles and enough stamina,  ...

Agree mostly; Exercise and if required, blue pills.

I don't agree with Red Bull (or caffein) though. But maybe that's personal. I do love my energy drinks, but the caffein high often wears out after 15~20 minutes ... and then I fall in a dull no-energy state, which is the opposite of what I want.

So Generally I try not to rely on caffein too much and instead, indeed, focus on cardio & muscles during workout.

(also minor side item, there's a type of girl for every type of guy; not all girls like guys going on for hours. Sexual performance isn't just about stamina and power; it's also about skill, like understanding what the girl enjoys and doing the right things at the right time. It's not about drilling for oil ... )

Mister 10-10-2020 00:26 Acceptance +3

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