Original Post

7-10-2020 13:17

To my understanding the Q's stand for shots. 1 shot, 2 shot....etc. Meaning busting a nut, Which includes HJ, BJ, and full service. SO best is to be clear with the agent when booking rather than in the room talking to the girl.

Since the spa has multiple locations, the ones that house several ladies are indeed quite messy. Not the worst I have seen, but far from the cleanest. Take out cartons left all over the place, and always random bros hanging around, most likely waiting for their sessions due to overbooking. This is a testament to how busy they are.  You can also often hear the doorbell ringing, and customers coming and going regardless of the time of day. Quite the distraction for a seasoned hobbyist like myself. When I was younger, a slight breeze would have me erect at full attention. There could be a war going on or perhaps massive political unrest and protests happening right outside the window and it wouldn't affect me, but now a days I need peace and quiet to concentrate. Otherwise LB doesn't follow orders and doesn't appreciate how much I spoil him. A wife of tear gas isn't helpful either.

As mentioned above, their command of the English language is not at par, at least not at a level where friendly banter would include the explanation of the name they have chosen.

My guess is that the owner is perhaps a football fan and Lionel Messi is their favourite player. And since many consider him to be one of the best, they named their spa after him, a self-proclamation of sorts, to be one of the best spas in HK. That is my guess. To be honest....we might have too much time if we continue down this conversation topic. I am probably wrong, because I haven't seen a Ronaldo Spa, Beckham Spa, Pele Spa....

cknc31 7-10-2020 17:23 Karma +4 I believe Q comes from cue as in "shot" in canto snooker terminology

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