Original Post

27-9-2020 23:33
Reply #8 ddr355355's post

The "store" is damaged by their actions, not my reporting. You have the gall to write: "You have a pair of eyes to see if you are the same person. You are also responsible for part of the responsibility." - are you telling me I am partially responsible for the store not delivering what they said?

I was promised one thing and given another thing, I fail to see how doing so was an accident.

The reason it took me a while to figure it out is because the first part is a massage, it was only once we moved on to the next part it became clear it was the same person. At this point it is not fair to tell the girl I don't want her - you just deal with it. She was not awful or hurting me. I just decided to get it over with and then deal with it.

The simple fact here is that "the store" thought I would just accept the fact I was not given what was promised (new girl, speaks excellent English) and not be upset and when I called them on it they just gave me a whole bunch of excuses and bull shit. A simple "sorry" would have worked, instead of the excuses they sent me (of course, you won't know what they were ;) )

"The store" should deliver what it promises, or if what it promises is not available then it should tell its customers that, instead of giving them something else.

Wishspa could rival other top end massage "stores" but it needs to emulate the management style of them first.

As consumers we have a right to voice our opinions and complain when we are not happy. If you look at most of my posts you will see the are positive, not negative, I would MUCH rather be writing a good post. I suggest "the store" focuses on making it's clients want to come back time after time.

chaudement 28-9-2020 02:06 Karma +1 Well stated.

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