Beware of dating site scams - gagahi app
To all the bros out there, with the recent popularity on freelance or other dating sites, we should be vigilant. Recently have come across two accounts that sounded real for first couple of chat exchange and then when you suggest going to either Tg or Whatsapp or your chat app of choice, they will say they only have Gagahi. Curious, a quick search on google revealed it as a 99% scam "social network app" where apparently you pay for certain exchanges with your chat partner. Below a few excerpts from my brief google search.
Scam, fake girls, cheating, making money
February 16th, 2020
Scam, most of the girls are fake. They marked as from different countries but all from china. They lure people from other chatting sites to gagahi. And make them to spend money on the app, which all the services and products are extremely overpriced some like 10 times as market value. Those girls then make money out of what you have spend. Basically they cheat your affection feeling, some destroy family without hesitatiom and making commisson based on their selling services and products on it.
So beware scams and safe punting! | |