Original Post

16-9-2020 16:53

You can pay the $100 which is the easy way out, or can stand on your principles and do what's best to protect the integrity of the market and risk:

1. The girl harming you physically
2. The pimp harming you physically
3. The police somehow getting involved for charges of rape, or theft of her property, or anything else she could allege

If you are married and engaging in this activity, the above risks will have further effects. Try explaining to the wife why you're in the hospital, why you're being charged with theft or rape, or even why the police picked you up in a hotel room where you have no business being ordinarily.

In such case I will do the selfish thing and take care of myself and let the market be adversely influenced.

Keep on mongering

Bloodrage 17-9-2020 00:02 Karma +1
bmberman 17-9-2020 16:24 Karma +4 100 for peace of mind and quick exit. Worth! (even though it sucks to have to pay more)
zeroz 18-9-2020 04:19 Acceptance +1 very true
jeffzeke 18-9-2020 13:23 Acceptance +20 Yes, 100% agree. 100 HKD is worth it, get out quick!

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