Original Post

10-9-2020 16:29

Curious to see if anyone has further pursued this adventure? From personal experience, I know that if you wank too much you do go limp status pretty easily before smashing, almost like having whisky dick... meanwhile if you stop masturbating for a while, you become hard as a rock (although you may cum faster hahah!)

I know this theory is quite valid for those who are into fitness and working out. Hell, I'll watch porn before going to the gym to get my testosterone and juices flowing, ready to destroy my gym session and push as much weight as possible. If you research MMA fighting as well, you can hear about Male MMA fighters refrain from having sex before their fight, meanwhile female fighters (like Ronda) would fuck as much as possible before their fight. If spiritually speaking, I feel as if women just drain all our life energy, so better to save your men for when the time is right ;)... or just fuck a lot, who cares lol

jeffzeke 11-9-2020 13:59 Acceptance +20 thanks for sharing

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