Original Post

30-8-2020 15:19
Reply #9 hmoody2555's post

@hmoody2555   I've met several hundred women on SA, and I've shared reviews here on this forum in the "Restricted Access" section for many of them.  The premise of an "arrangement" is to offer some financial support.  In rare cases, the SB will refuse the allowance for one reason or another, so you end up getting a "freebie" per say.  But a great majority of the time, it is appropriate (and necessary) to offer something.  It would be a shame if the SB is expecting some form of allowance and the SD just fucks her and leaves.  I've heard of stories from SB's in Japan and Taiwan who were devastated for being "tricked" by SDs who use them for sex, and shares nothing in return.  I'm not trying to be accusatory either since I do not know what discussions you've had prior to meeting.  

But it would be inaccurate to say that SA is set up for anyone who wants to hook up with young, hot, sexy girls... for FREE.

For "hookups" where no money is exchanged, there are other apps and websites, like Tinder, Bumble, etc.  

Seeking arrangement is not the same.

[ Last edited by  jeffzeke at 30-8-2020 15:22 ]

porkchops 30-8-2020 15:48 Acceptance +20 Agree, I think SA is the wrong place to go looking for freebies
like2bonk 31-8-2020 15:21 Karma +5 yep agree. i always make sure not to short change them. and to treat them with respect. they appreciate it

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