Original Post

16-8-2020 13:46
Messi Spa EE TST

Agent: Messi Spa (TG agent)
Name: EE
Body: 8 - She is not skinny but she has a flat tummy so that's a plus for me.  Boobs is a B+ / C-, natural and soft
Face: 6 - heavily PS'ed photos; seems to be very difficult to book so somewhat disappointed with the face.  It's her alright but skin had quite a bad break out
Service: 7.5 - quite SOP and somewhat mechanical  but quite pleasurable - she is quite loose below so finding a right position to get a feel was difficult
PSE: 5 - again, quite SOP
Overall: somewhat let down given she was very difficult to book. won't return

PS: I'm getting quite pissed off with the agent... this is the second time that been bull-shitted; ad says massage and FS... clarified on both occassions if massage was piano type and was assured it was a proper message.  I'm OK if its just a cover for a whore house but please STOP being such a MOFO whanker with your lies

FarmerJoe 17-8-2020 05:06 Karma +3 I never tried the spa experience and it looks like you had a bad experience. Thanks for the report!
Bloodrage 17-8-2020 13:39 Karma +1 Got blacklisted for walking away from Messi Spa. Major photoshop, 20yo into 30-40s
Hamjohn141 17-8-2020 23:59 Acceptance +1 Thanks for sharing. I tried to contact Messi Spa but they don't answer. Is that normal or do they only reply if writing ...
perriersons08 21-8-2020 09:47 Karma +6 Damn I'm glad I didn't go because EE and Amy have really good reviews

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