Original Post

13-8-2020 07:23

I played on SA recently for a while. It's not for me - most girls wants 6K+ per meeting, which is excessive. Spoke to a British girl for a while, she wanted 40K a month and then we can meet whenever. I did however managed to hookup with an 18 year old (I am 36), she has a boyfriend, but she just loves cock. Loves to suck it, loves to swallow, loves to ride it. She wanted 2K per meeting which was fine. Met a few times but I think I will stick to the girls here. Much cheaper and greater variety.

americafirst141 13-8-2020 09:07 Karma +5 is she open to taking on another customer ? ha
Skepti10 13-8-2020 10:21 Karma +2 that 18 year old sounds like a gem. was she pretty?
alex_french 13-8-2020 19:12 Karma +3 You're lucky guy. I can only find local SBs asking for at least 4k ppm.
hmoody2555 17-8-2020 00:04 Acceptance +1
jeffzeke 30-8-2020 15:10 Karma +4 SA is not for everyone but for some people, it is an amazing experience.

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