Original Post

8-8-2020 16:09

So decided to try something new, Since covid took a long break from hobbying. But the itch came back. Read somewhere about SA, so decided to give it a try. I think i spent like two weeks wooing different girls and its all comming to a head last week where i have a whole bunch of meetings setup.

This is my first meeting with someone who wants to remain private.

Face 3.5/5
Body 3.5/5
Attitude 5/5
Gfe 5/5
Pse 3/5
Price: 7000
Repeat: maybe

I will say, SA the girls are different. Ive found out about this through the forums and decided to gice it a try. you need to work them and woo them a bit. Most of thrm are ready to get down and dirty but it just takes some work. This is my first encounter. I had to make a hotel reservation so need to also factor that into the cost. All in all, i had to spend a week texting and chatting her up, then agreed to meet. I suggested we get room service since everything closes at 6:00, so got us a nice hotel room and did dinner in the room. We did some food, that whole dating sort of routine. Then she jump on me and started to dfk. We ripped each others clothes off. Did some 69, lots of dfk, then caped myself. Mish, cowgirl then finished doggy. The entire experience with dinner and the horse play prob was close to 5hrs. I am still debating if i like this vs walkins but i will say the experience is much more different. Most girls i can gather are expecting prob about 5k - 10k plus dinner, drinks and maybe the hotel room. So the cost can go up there on each punt. But after this first experience it was more a gf / bf sort of feel. I have 3-4 more lined up so lets see how this goes. The price is def much higher so if you decide to use SA be warned its about 8-10k per punt not including all the work and spending upfront.

thedude 8-8-2020 19:36 Karma +8 Karma for taking a bath on the price. 7K is porn star experience price IMO
Bloodrage 9-8-2020 00:01 Karma +4 Thx for trying something i wouldn't
ts7478 9-8-2020 09:57 Karma +2 Thanks for the report, but I dont understand why you would pay so much for what you can get for 1500 from a nice HG
flappo84 9-8-2020 10:41 Karma +8 Thanks!!
dedupe 9-8-2020 13:28 Karma +3 Excellent intel. A bit too pricy for me but someday when I'm rich.
ramont 9-8-2020 13:38 Acceptance +5 Is 7000 just for the girl or does that include hotel and room service?
test74 9-8-2020 17:12 Karma +3 wow...pricey, huh?!!
Steveccc 10-8-2020 01:12 Karma +3 Thanks... 7k is for the whole time or per hour?
FXXI 10-8-2020 13:30 Karma +2 I always thought SA was for more longterm "dates". would be interested to know if costs drop as frequency increases...
twelve98 10-8-2020 16:35 Karma +3 7k seems far above market rate imo
FarmerJoe 12-8-2020 06:21 Karma +3 Better to do overnight with HG.
Unitedfuture 12-8-2020 23:04 Acceptance +1 SA adds a nice variety. I mix it up between SA girls, escorts and massage joints. I once managed to get an SA girl in to ...
hotjac 13-8-2020 09:53 Karma +6 great info, and sometimes the price of an adventure is worth the entry fee.
UncleDad 15-8-2020 09:52 Karma +5 Thanks for report
jeffzeke 15-8-2020 09:54 Karma +8 thanks for sharing about SA. I am almost exclusively SA these days, multiple reasons.
talisker88 15-8-2020 20:32 Karma +2 Excellent
wolfy187 31-8-2020 01:15 Karma +10
shyrocket 13-9-2020 17:09 Acceptance +1 Thanks - good run down of an SA experience. Good luck with the other 3 or 4 and send us an update!

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