Original Post

23-6-2020 00:02
Need help deciphering a TG channel for reports & intel

So I found those TG channels where people do reports and comment on spas/HG/walkups and such.
General discussion: https://t.me/joinchat/NrJbWEy1EzTyvD_5x_4MhA
Reports Only: https://t.me/hksecretrooms2

Unfortunately, and this is just my understanding, in order to avoid retaliations in case of bad reports, they don't use the exact names of the spas/buildings etc.
Instead they use synonyms, translations, etc. For example 'WE Spa' becomes the chinese translation of 'WE (us)' in the reports.
Those tricks make it very difficult to understand which place they are referring to if you don't speak the slang.

I found what seems to be an explanation for the puzzle, but could not make sense of it. Can anyone understand and explain how this system works ?


1) 上置頂,跟地區搵,冇就以下方法
2) TG本身個Search功能,如果打啱名,佢又係公開嘅,就好易搵到
3) 上4台,揀啱類型,spa=水療,搵地區,易搵,但就可能只得電話
4) 最後都係搵唔到,上Google,用名 + Telegram search,好多都會見到,因為TG link 本身就係一條Public Link,要搵真係唔難
5) 以上都搵唔到,就只有靠你平時同人吹水,有禮貌嘅,好傾少少,PM問吓人,相信都好多人會答你,但飛雲除外,謝謝

[ Last edited by  CoreTierOne at 23-6-2020 02:03 ]

Weelock 23-6-2020 00:33 Acceptance +6 Great intel yes there are code for each spa. Usually 3 letters for each spa.

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