Originally posted by perriersons08 at 31-5-2020 11:00
I mean, this shit is kinda racist. Your experienced sucked, but don't be a fucking racist. I hear what you are saying and why I might have come across as racist. Now, I am Chinese myself, so not sure whether this makes my comments more or less racist? If a black guy calls another black person the n**** word, would you consider that as racist as well?
I guess I was just furious that night having had a really bad punt. The generalisation I have made might not reflect reality, but hey.... this is the experience I have made from previous encounters.
I have been to many Mainland chinese girls' places and they have been exceptionally tidy. They were mostly young professionals though.
All I am saying is that Mainland Chinese students who are in the game of providing sexual services more often than not work out of untidy places and provide a rushed service. Sometimes it is where they live, sometimes it is a place which belongs to their friends.
I could tell from the belongings and dirty laundry thrown across the place that the flat I went to was inhabited by a girl. |