Original Post

6-4-2020 15:32
Warning - Shenzhen 'dongguan style' wechat sauna

Stuck in Shenzhen during current situation,did some scouting around.

Saw online adverts for 'dongguan' style or 'dongguan iso' style saunas.  You won't need to try hard to find them.  

Added them and they have different accounts for viewing the providers in different regions of Shenzhen and Guangzhou and then another account for booking.Pricing generally around 2k for 90 mins.Reverse image searched and can't see if the photos are just borrowed.

What put me off is seeing that they have girls as young as 15 and 16.Guys,please don't support any agents that are encouraging going with girls that young.Deleted the wechat because of this and decided not to try - had ntt in the name but for obvious reasons I won't post whole name.

If anyone has better suggestions happy to hear.

Vivante 6-4-2020 21:24 Karma +2 Where did you see these ads? First time I heard about 'Dongguan style' saunas in Shenzhen.
Weelock 7-4-2020 01:24 Karma +1 did the wechat say they have girls as young as 15-16 or you asked b/c they will say and do almost anything to get you in ...
MickJag 4-5-2020 11:19 Karma +6 I don’t believe any of those claims of 15 or 16. That’s likely just bullshit.

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