Original Post

27-12-2019 19:32
Second Session 思思 (CC)

I went to see her again, this time carefully looked at her face. She is like 90%-100% like her photos here.
She avoids all eye contact, real shy or trying to forget the experience.
Love her skinny tiny frame.
She has close to no muscle and fat haha.
Her butt is tiny, not like regular girls where there is a full round buttocks above her legs. This one's legs are wider than her tiny smooth butt. squeezing it gave me more reason to live haha.
Still the same service thou, does not like anything touching her head or hair, or kissing upper body. I got to lick her thighs while i thumbed her clitoris thou.
Real tight pussy during doggy style, probably got horny and vagina contracted afterwards?
Massaged her for like 10 minutes afterwards, doesn't even like me touching her leg, only allowed massaging her neck and arm while she looked at her phone.
Still wondering about her age. Saw another working girl with photos taken in identical background, that girl's age is young too.

Gone after 31st December !

[ Last edited by  Bloodrage at 27-12-2019 19:53 ]

Mister 1-1-2020 11:59 Karma +5 Too bad about the service. Some of the prettier girls think they’re doing you a favour just letting you spend time with ...

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