Original Post

11-12-2019 18:13
LA-VIE Nina, Heavily Modified Photos, Walked away

Date:10th December 2019
Name: Nina
Shop: LA-VIE
Telegram grouplavie556688
Location: Tsim Sha Tsui, 41th Mody Road, 3rd Floor
Face: 1/5
Body: ?

Privately Messaged LA-VIE on Telegram, booked, arrived on time. I asked her where is Nina which i booked for (picture attached), she said she is Nina . Only resemblance of her to her photo is the location of her eyes to her nose and mouth. She looks 20 years older than her photo, like someone's mother. Other girls in the room asked if i wanted to select other girls but they are not good looking. I said thank you and left.

Hope of finding a good nuru experience fades, I booked 3 times but got bait and switched twice and major photoshop once.

mchk 12-12-2019 16:03 Karma +4
batman108 17-12-2019 00:14 Acceptance +6 awesome and thanks

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