Cutie SPA Bait and Switch
Date: December, 3rd, 2019
Time: 3pm
Location: Cutie Spa, 4F Flat C, Majestic House, 80 Nathan Rd, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, HK
Name: 茵茵/Yun Yun
Price per hour: $600 hand massage, $700 boob massage, $800 body to body, ($980 two person to massage u i think?)
Looked at all the pretty ladies on Telegram and found a gem (which turned out to be bait and switch). Telegram messaged Cutie SPA to meet at 3pm. I asked if Yun Yun does not look like her photo, would i be able to leave without paying? She said I can leave or select another girl.
Walked to 4th floor and saw the apartment door and interior is just like a normal residential flat with a typical walk up electric doorbell. Manager opened the door and asked me if i had a booking, i said yes. showed me the room and called Yun Yun over, I said she does not look like her photo. Manager said I can chose another girl. I looked at the 5 girls sitting on the couch but I didn't like them and left for James Lee Mansion.
Final Thought:
When something seems too good to be true, it probably is. No harm trying if there is nothing lost thou.
These massage place seems weird to me, all the girls just sitting there being silently listening, while u in a room with a girl that massage u, HJ, BJ u.
Still waiting to try SPA/Massage at least once in my life. Hope i find a nice girl.
[ Last edited by Bloodrage at 6-12-2019 02:08 ] | |